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Best Cusco Hikes

Peru is one of the most diverse countries on the planet, it has the Sierra in the Cordillera de los Andes, the Jungle around the Amazon River and the Coast next to the Pacific Ocean. But if it is one of the people who will skip all this, to go straight to Machu Picchu in Cusco, then you may want to enter Machu Picchu ... in a less conventional way. You can choose between one of the amazing treks to Machu Picchu, or other amazing walks in Cusco, among which are some of the most amazing hiking trails in the world.

These are some of the most amazing walks in Cusco
• Inca Trail (classic) to Machu Picchu
• Salcantay trek - Machu Picchu
• Walk through the Ausangate
• Hike Huchuy Qosqo - Machu Picchu
• Walk to Choquequirao
• Inca Jungle trek to Machu Picchu
• Lares walk - Machu Picchu

Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

The Inca Trail Tours to Machu Picchu is one of those experiences that can change your life, unique and unforgettable; One of the best walks in the world. Walk for 4 days to enter the Inca City of Machu Picchu. The Inca trails will take you through beautiful landscapes, with mountains, rivers, exotic vegetation, and flooded with Inca sites. Although you need good physical condition, it is a simply wonderful experience. However, if you want your first vision of Machu Picchu to be from the Puerta del Sol (Inti Punku), but you don't want to walk for 4 days, you can choose the Machu Picchu 3 Day Hike or the IncaTrail 2 day.

Salcantay trek - Machu Picchu

Many renowned publications place the SalkantayTrek among the 10 best hiking trails in the world. Although it is a challenge to cross the high mountain passes, an even greater challenge is not to enjoy it. It's 4 or 5 days on the way to Machu Picchu, through one of the highest mountain ranges in the Andes. Although the Salcantay Mountain, of 6,250 m. high, it is one of the most beautiful mountains around Machu Picchu, not all people dare to challenge it. The Salcantay Mountain is still revered by the people of the Andes, as it was at the time of the Incas. You will cross Salcantay Mountain, beautiful mountain passes, a beautiful cloud forest, beautiful lagoons, and part of the Sacred Valley of the Incas towards Machu Picchu.

Ausangate Trek

“El Ausangate” is the fifth highest mountain in Peru and is considered guardian of the City of Cusco since the time of the Incas; He is 6,384 tall and has received many names over the centuries; but one that identifies her in Peru is “Vinicunca” (mountain of colors). But why that name? If you decide to travel the paths of Ausangate, the most important mountain in the Andean worldview, know that Ausangate, the mountain of 7 colors, is one of the strangest and most amazing places that exist, and that is that it literally has 7 colors; well, there are actually thousands of shades of these 7 colors, you can also see many species of birds and other native animals. It's 5 days - ò 4 - where you can find yourself. In addition to Vinicunca (the mountain of colors), you can see snowy mountains, small turquoise lakes and enjoy delicious thermal baths. You can travel the mountain of the 7 colors in Cusco, unique in the world, but surely you still want to go to Machu Picchu.

Huchuy Qosqo Hike

The route through Huchuy Qosqo is one of the classic walks in Cusco; the complex is based on the Sacred Valley of the Incas, then the cities of Pisac and Ollantaytambo. When the Chancas, rivals of the Incas, besieged Cusco in 1,438, the Inca left the capital of the Inca Empire, to take refuge in the Palace of Huchuy Qosqo, already at the time of the conquest Gonzalo Pizarro found an Inca mummy in Huchuy Qosqo, and ordered to burn it. It is one of the easiest walks in Cusco. This walk will take you through several archaeological sites and typical villages of the Sacred Valley of the Incas; but you can choose to stop at this place or continue on another road to the Historic and Natural Sanctuary of Machu Picchu.

Choquequirao Trek

Just some time ago, a French engineer visiting Machu Picchu discovered a hidden door that thousands, no, millions of people overlooked. Just below the building of the three portals in the center of Machu Picchu, there is a secret door that could be the tomb of Pachacútec. However; similarly, part of the Inca city of Choquequirao is still under huge amounts of weeds, so more than a tourist excursion, it is an exploration trip to an ancient Inca city, considered the sister of Machu Picchu, for the impressive Similarities in design and architecture. Although good fitness is required, it is an experience that every adventurous person should make. The Walk to the Inca City of Choquequirao is an unparalleled hiking experience, and if it is not yet considered among the best walks in the world, it is because they have not yet finished digging it up; an enigmatic place whose history is still investigated. This hike takes 4 days, although there are shorter versions. And it can be concluded with a dream ending in Machu Picchu.

Inca Jungle trek to Machu Picchu

If you want some more adrenaline on your way to the Inca City of Machu Picchu, you can choose the Inca Jungle trek to MachuPicchu, 4 or 3 days. He will travel original Inca trails discovered only a few years ago; these link the traditional and tropical villages of Santa María and Santa Teresa with the Inca city of Machu Picchu. The old stone paved roads are very well preserved by nature, and by local governments in Cusco. This hike mixes downhill cycling, rafting, zippline (zip line), hiking, rafting (optional) and wonderful landscapes to Machu Picchu. The descent by bicycle of the Inca Jungle is considered among the best landscape experiences in South America.

Lares trek - Machu Picchu

Although the Lares Trek to Machu Picchu is not a technical hike in itself, the 4-day tour has been specially designed, for people looking for a more exclusive (less crowded) route, away from classic excursions such as the Inca Trail or the Salcantay hike. The Lares walk allows you to see Andean communities lost in time; As you walk the paths of Lares, you will see how these people are dedicated to agriculture, the raising of wool and meat-producing animals and the manufacture of typical handicraft garments; Enjoy your hospitality. While this hike will not take you to Machu Picchu through the Puerta del Sol (Inti Punku), it will give you the opportunity to board the train from Ollantaytambo to Machu Picchu; so you will not only enjoy an amazing walk, but also one of the most amazing short train routes on the planet, through the Sacred Valley of the Incas to Aguas Calientes, the Town below the Inca city of Machu Picchu.

Other Amazing Treks in Cusco


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