If you are planning a trip to Machu Picchu , here are some valuable tips to ensure you have an exceptional experience. You do not need to worry excessively about the logistics, as visiting Machu Picchu is quite straightforward, and its location in the heart of the Andes is surprisingly accessible. We managed to organize our Machu Picchu Tours successfully just a few days before we arrived. It was a fortunate coincidence that we had a five-day gap between our travels from Ecuador to Mexico. Opting for the most budget-friendly flight option with a layover in Peru, we booked our tickets to Cusco, the historic Incan capital and the main gateway to Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is renowned for being one of the world's most awe-inspiring ancient ruins, and witnessing the iconic Incan citadel in person is a dream come true. We consider ourselves fortunate to be among the relatively few people worldwide who have had the opportunity to visit this extraordinary site. While it is a popular ...
The Blogger Experience was created by Inca Trail Machu as your Peru travel guide, a place where you can discover the real Peru, South America .